Meet The ‘22 R2AK Crew!


Capt Rhys Balmer

AKA Captian Baller, AKA DJ Dirty Dinghy, AKA Mr. Mustard is the skipper and owner of Elsewhere. A modern polymath, a former experimental music producer, street style photographer, DJ, and cat sitter to the stars from Portland Oregon. Balmer has employed all he learned in the trenches of hipster ground zero corralling semi aspiring models and musicians for photoshoots to his role as captain in an attempt to funnel the stream of talent and toughness that is the crew of Elsewhere in the smoldering laser beam that will be their track to Ketchican.

First Mate Martin

Master Gibson is not only our first mate and the one in charge if the captain dies or is too drunk or hungover to do his job, he is also our lawyer. Far from his home waters referred to lovingly by locals of the Stockton area as “The Ditch” Marty and Rhys refit and completed in the 2016 Pac Cup in Rhys’s Moore 24 “Evermoore”. Gibson is a fiberglass and resin whisperer, homebrewer, girlfriend stealer and constant grinner. What he lacks in footwear he makes up for in tenacity.

Josiah Ball

War department, trimmer, and master whistler.

Odin Smith

Youngest person to complete the R2AK. Quite possibly the only person to join a team within 48 hours of the offical start.

Har Rai Khalsa

Covid sponsored social media intern. Monkeypox status: unknown.

Our facebook page is linked below.

The crew is made up of Josiah Ball, Martin Gibson, Odin Smith, Har Rai Khalsa, and Rhys Balmer.

Our kind sponsors