Oaxaca Transback Logs: Wednesday, July 31st

This is the second log for 7/31, received late. You can follow Oaxaca’s return track here on Oaxaca’s website.

Position: 30º 04’ N 153º 09’ W
Course over ground: 055º magnetic

A great day. The grinding in my stomach from the residual sea-sickness has gone, leaving me with yet another stunning sunny day in the middle of the Pacific.

Spotted today: a few birds that this note will hopefully prompt me to go look up, some flying fish, and a sea absent of other vessels. The enormous vessel from yesterday was still on my mind - it was nice of the captain to broadcast "Happy Sailing" on channel 16.

We're up near the 30th parallel and it's getting cooler at night. My appetite has returned with the amazing Mongolian grill stir-fry by chef Matthew Aldred. Hopefully this will be the last night spent beating to the wind with the furious sea trolls pounding their clubs on the hull. We'll see.

Doug Amquist
