Just returning from a fairly uneventful delivery.
Unfortunately, the only sailing we did was when the engine stalled 5 minutes out from Elliot Bay Marina.
The hardly used cruising duty Dacron by Ballard Sails hoisted and unfurled beautifully but the 70 miles to weather we had to go on this cutter rigged, short waterlined, full keeled, crab crusher looked like it was going to take longer than I bid this delivery.
After a while in what Bob Perry thinks services for an engine access to check packing gland and impeller I remembered all the times that being the smallest on the boat found me volunteered to be the one to go in the hole or up the mast. When the lid closed it made be think of the time I got locked in J105 lazerette when everyone was on lunchbreak at Seattle Sailing Club. Flashbacks aside, the impeller inspected, and packing gland loosened I was back on deck. The temp had spiked after the engine stalled which was a worry. When we checked the oil we found an oil soaked diaper under the engine which is not good but not a surprise giving most sailboater’s idea of engine maintenance. Engine on and running cool we were underway again heading north for a short cut.
under the cockpit
Babett in Coopville
A stop in Coopeville found us at Tobie’s with two badass burgers and a pair of fine brews each. We were in our bunks by 10 and although I was looking forward to getting into the second chapter of Patrick Obrian’s "Treasons Harbor I didn’t make it a page before I was dreaming of mermaids.
The next day was as beautiful a putt as you could ask for. We wound our way North through La Conner (or La Compton as the locals call it) and arrived early to Anacortes for the scheduled haul out.
The not high seas
The short cut
La Compton
Positive vibes positive current all the way