Day fourteen and one more day to go! We are trying to pace ourselves so we arrive the morning of 14th because Kaneohe is a reef strewn shallow bay. I have been in there twice but would rather daylight to see reefs and get our bearings. We plan to fuel and clean the vessel once we arrive and leave Craig to get things sorted before his guests come on Tuesday. Today was rather uneventful other than some PILOT WHALES! Just after finishing dinner I thought I saw a shark (too much shark week as a kid) then we saw some big slashes in the distance and eventually identified them. Hard to explain how exiting that is when we have been our only company for so long. Iain and I also saw a beutiful long tailed sharp winged bird after the other watch went down. The closest I could find was a tropic bird. Some things cant replace a book. Bird books are one of those things that the internet cant substitute well. Okay enough complaining about this internet connection in the middle of nowhere.