After a nice uneventful night we started the day with light rain, gray skies, and waves abeam that gave us lots of rolling.
Making steady progress to the destination, averaging about 8kts.
Everyone is feeling well and it seems we all got our sea legs - nobody got sea sick even with the heavy rolling throughout most of the day. Catching up on sleep nicely as well.
Sparky continued to perfect weather routing system by monitoring actual performance of the boat with observed weather and comparing that to the predictions we got. We have much higher confidence in the route now. It’s great to have such an expert onboard!
Craig and I did a set of practice sextant sights, which proved especially challenging with the cloud cover. But with enough patience and quick action, we managed to catch the sun in brief moments it showed up and now have some sun angles to practice sight reductions with.
Continuing to stick with the original meal plan and using up the first-to-spoil produce. Started a day with a veggie omelette quesadillas for breakfast. had miso soup with carrots and tofu for lunch, and wound down the day with a greek salad and gnocchi.
Crew is eager to start fishing and got the lures prepared on the rods; unfortunately, we are moving too fast for fishing so will have to postpone the excitement of reeling in a catch to a day when there is no excitement from the wind.
Water is getting bluer and warmer. The sun is peaking out from the clouds. Spirits are high.