Last night was the first of some pretty hard sailing. For 24hours in squalls up to 30 knots and lulls as low as 7knots we sailed. One hour I remember making only three miles and wind shifts of 50 degrees to add to it and in total darkness under hard downpours. More tacking than we have had to do far and all to reach a point we could comfortably motor or remaining range underpowered keeping a %30 reserve.
We are motoring now and just finished the first night class of shooting Polaris. We haven’t had this much clear sky the whole trip.
I think we all feel like we paid some dues last night and are actually appreciating motoring in flatter water so we can catch up on celestial navigation studies.
Hopefully, we can get the line in the water tomorrow because I know Kirill would really like to cook something that’s not frozen.